”A Bus Driver’s Comforting Hand for a Nervous 4-Year-Old on His First School Day”

Do you remember the 1st day of school?

Axel also got ready for his first day of school. He was lived in Wisconsin. His mom, Amy Johnson, was so excited for him. She wanted to capture this special moment with a photo.

Isabel saw Axel’s tears. she asked axel to sit next to her in the driving seat. So, she reached out her hand and gently held his. Axel’s mom, took a photo of this sweet moment.

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Even though Axel was still a bit nervous, having Isabel hold his hand made him feel safe. This photo goes viral on the internet. People all over the world were touched by Isabel’s kindness.

The Augusta Police department even shared the photo on internet

Everyone was so proud of Isabel for being such a caring bus driver.

Isabel did not think she was doing anything special. She believed that helping others was just something she would always do.

Following day, Axel felt a little braver as he waited for the bus. When the bus arrived, he got on with a big smile on his face. He talked to Isabel the whole ride to school.

Isabel didn’t just help Axel. She believed that anyone who needed a little extra support could benefit from a kind gesture. She knew that sometimes all it takes is reaching out a hand to show someone you care.

Even though Isabel had only been a bus driver in their small town of Augusta, her big heart had already made a big difference in Axel’s life and in the lives of many others.

So, Axel learned that kindness can make even the scariest moments feel a little bit better. And thanks to Isabel, he knew he always had a friend waiting for him at the bus stop.