If You’re Having A Bad Day, These Wholesome Images Will Cheer You Up

1. A Century of Sisterhood, The Enduring Magic of Norma and Edie’s Love.

2. I took a picture of my new pattern. It’s simple, but I made it with all my heart. I hope I get some compliments here in the group. I will be very happy!

3. Hi I’m Allie. I’ve been clean for 12 years!!!! My clean date is more important then my birthday. I wouldn’t have had another birthday if I didn’t get clean. I would have died. So anybody who is starting, DONT STOP!!!! It’s such a beautiful life today. I love u all, and I’m w u in spirit💜

4 “Neighborly Love Shines as Hundreds Surprise UPS Driver with Heartfelt ‘Thank You’”

5, My mom crochets and donated 31 blankets to sick children this year

6. “An Elderly Gentleman Spreads Love: Learning to Knit for Precious Preemie Caps”