“A grandfather with vitiligo, crochets beautiful dolls for children.”

João Stanganelli Junior, a creative and kind Brazilian grandfather. He is 64 years old and has vitiligo, a rare disorder that gives his skin a magical touch by making some areas appear different and lose color. When João was in his 30s, he became increasingly aware of this happening as he grew older.

Vitiligo is a special kind of skin condition that makes some parts of the skin lose their color and become lighter. These light patches can get bigger over time and can happen anywhere on the body, even in the hair and inside the mouth.

Image credits-https://www.instagram.com/joaostanganelli/

Melanin is primarily responsible for the color of our skin and hair. However, in vitiligo, the melanin-producing cells either die or cease to function. Anyone can experience it, regardless of skin tone, however those with brown or black complexion may detect it more readily. The good news is that vitiligo cannot harm a person or spread to others, despite the possibility that it will alter how they appear. It’s only a way, similar to having a unique design, for certain people’s skin to exhibit their individuality.

João used to work in the food industry, but he had to slow down due to health problems.

In order to give his time meaning and delight, he decided to try something new.

He began learning how to crochet, a craft that involves using yarn and a specialized needle—with his wife. For João, it was challenging at first. He was in pain in his back and fingertips, but he persisted. He put in a lot of work and quickly became an expert crocheter.

Image credits-https://www.instagram.com/joaostanganelli/

João had a brilliant idea one day. He fashioned a doll for his granddaughter, whose skin covered the same unique patches as João’s. It turned into a unique means for his granddaughter to cherish happy memories of dad indefinitely. João was delighted by this and determined to create more dolls in the same style. Because the dolls represented actual humans, they were more than just typical dolls. João created dolls with special attributes, including one in a wheelchair. Regardless of their appearance or medical condition, he wished for every child to feel valued and normal.

Image credits-https://www.instagram.com/joaostanganelli/

João was addicted to creating these dolls and couldn’t stop.

His dolls generated a lot of interest when he posted pictures of them on Facebook and Instagram, which increased demand from those who were keen to acquire one. João was thrilled to learn that his dolls gave kids happiness and self-assurance.

He created a unique doll for a lady named Tati Santos de Oliveira, whose daughter also had vitiligo. Tati wrote a lovely book called ‘A Menina Feita de Nuvens’ or ‘The Girl Made of Clouds’ to help kids, like her daughter, learn about and embrace vitiligo. João loved the book and thought it was a great way to teach children about vitiligo.

Image credits-https://www.instagram.com/joaostanganelli/

João believes that everyone is unique and that it’s important to accept and love ourselves just the way we are. He says, “Life is too short to be small.” João’s dolls are not just toys; they are a special way to show that being different is beautiful, and everyone deserves to be happy and feel included. Bravo, João!

image credits-https://www.instagram.com/joaostanganelli/